Tuesday, 11 February 2025



Pinhoser - Indústria de Madeiras da Sertã, Lda

The founders of Pinhoser had the opportunity to buy a small sawmill to which they had previously subcontracted the sawing of logs. This sawmill is located in the municipality of Sertã, an ideal place for the implementation of activities related to the forest industry. Its location was due to the availability of raw material and manpower.

Thus, in 1984, it was founded with the name António Fernandes & Irmão, Lda and a share capital of 800 000 PTE (3.990,38 €). This company bought raw materials from smallholders who were engaged in pine logging, changing these logs into sawn wood that was sold mainly for construction. Over time the productive process has been streamlined, which has enhanced production as well as the company´s productivity level, making this company one of the more competitive sawmills in the region.

In 1997, it changed its name to Pinhoser - Indústria de Madeiras da Sertã, Lda. Over the years, important modernization investments were made and the company was provided with more automation and mechanization of processes, thus making it possible to have higher quality products and greater safety at work. The manufacturing and warehouse facilities, offices and parks for raw materials also increased.

In 2008, the vacuum system of the factory was equipped with bag filters to prevent the spread of dust, therefore creating a better environment. In the same year, the company was equipped with 2 wood drying greenhouses, thus being able to artificially dry wood, in addition to the possibility of subjecting it to a thermal shock, according to the International Directive (ISPM no. 15), in response to the measures that Portugal had to implement when facing the spread of the Nematode pine wood to other points in the territory.

In the year 2010, the development of an innovation project began that will affect the company at all levels. This is an investment that will revolutionize the lumbering industry in Portugal.

Pinhoser currently has three lumber production lines. One line is used to process crooked wood, being prepared to work with shorter lengths. Another line includes a charriot and is used for woods with very large diameters or with special features, not allowing for big productions. The new line of milling will produce large quantities with dimensions which the crooked wood line cannot permit and which would not be profitable with the charriot.

This project will bring very significant improvements in the yield of raw materials; the new technology will allow for full exploitation of the logs (and thus a maximized yield with high product quality), therefore increasing its added value by introducing innovation and technology. Pinhoser will also nearly triple its production capacity, thereby becoming the sawmill company with the highest productive capacity in the nation, and ultimately preparing the way to compete in international markets. The project was completed on 20 December 2011, and on 10 February 2012, an official inauguration of their new sawing line was held, chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Employment, Professor Álvaro Santos Pereira.

At the moment, with a share capital of 4.700.000 Euros, has at its head office, in Cumeada, a manufacturing area of 107.000m², of which 12.500m² are covered. It also has facilities located in Pombal, with a total area of 72.300m², of which 3.124m² are covered. With continuous investments in its modernization over the years, Pinhoser has established itself as a company important to the region and the sector.